
Foreign Minister: “NATO’s ability to act together is key to its success”

On 16 January, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Kęstutis Budrys met with the heads of policy planning departments of NATO and partner countries’ foreign ministries gathered in Vilnius.

At the meeting, the Minister stated that the unpredictable geopolitical environment directly affects our security, therefore it is crucial to strengthen the Alliance and maintain unity.

“NATO’s ability to act together is key to its success. We must enhance our defence capabilities, actively increase investments, act quickly and stay focused,” said the Foreign Minister.

During the event, heads of policy planning departments of NATO and partner countries’ foreign ministries, as well as Lithuanian and foreign experts, focused on discussions on the current and potential future challenges to NATO and global security, their potential impact on NATO and partner countries’ strategies and policies. Issues discussed included the fight against disinformation, public resilience and preparedness for defence as well as the response to economic coercion.

The eighth conference was attended by representatives of foreign ministries from NATO and Indo-Pacific partner countries (Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea), as well as from Ukraine and the European External Action Service.