
Lithuania's security policy

Lithuania's security policy

Security policy is primarily one of the constituents of Lithuanian foreign policy. However, the security policy is a special part of the foreign policy – it is a condition and basis for other policies.

Security is a fundamental value in every individual's life, as well as that of the country. Only being secure in a broad sense can a country develop itself successfully within the European Union, develop relations with separate countries and their groups, and undertake active economic diplomacy.

It is usually said that the Lithuanian security policy is Euro-Atlantic, based on the membership of our country in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This is the main guarantee of our security; however, the foreign security policy is much broader. Lithuania is also an active member of the European Security and Defence Policy and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe; we are participants in many agreements and conventions promoting security and stability.

Lithuania has become a member of NATO and the European Union during the time when the security system is changing fundamentally. This allows for active participation together with other allies in the process of defining and shaping new European security and defence policy. On the other hand, membership in the European and transatlantic organisations provides Lithuanian security policy leverage and opportunities that we never had before. Proper and effective use of them is an everyday work and responsibility of diplomats working in the field of security policy.