International sanctions

Please find below information concerning international sanctions implemented in Lithuania and other EU countries. Just choose a country on the new interactive EU sanctions map or in the list. Please also find links to the EU sanctions legislation in all official EU languages.
General information on international sanctions
International sanctions are a non-military means of coercion that may be applied to achieve international peace and security, and respect for human rights. International sanctions are a legitimate instrument of foreign policy, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations. Sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the European Union and other international organizations are implemented against states, natural and legal persons, and other entities, which through their actions, decisions or policies violate human rights, contribute to ethnic, territorial and religious conflicts, support terrorism or in any other way violate the fundamental norms and principles recognised by the international community.
Restrictive measures (sanctions) aim to bring about a change in the target country’s policies or in behavior of state actors, persons and entities. International sanctions are based on the principles of international law, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, but not on economic interests. Sanctions may include complete or partial withdrawal of economic relations and of means of communication, the severance of diplomatic relations, etc. They should be proportionate to the breach and targeted at those responsible for policies or actions the international community wants to influence
International sanctions have been used by the international community and individual states to exercise control over strategic goods and to combat international terrorism with a view to strengthening the international and regional security.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania shall prepare and submit proposals to the European Union, the United Nations and other international organisations, as a member or participating a state of those organisations, to impose, amend or revoke international sanctions in accordance with the procedure laid down in the legal acts of Lithuania. In addition, the Foreign Ministry shall submit information on the implementation of international sanctions in Lithuania to competent institutions of the EU, UN and other international organisations, whose international sanctions it is applying, and, if necessary, also to competent authorities of foreign countries.
International sanctions are imposed by directly applicable EU regulations and resolutions of the Government of Lithuania, which implement other EU legislation, as well as resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and decisions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
United Nations Security Council Sanctions Committees
For more information on EU sanctions, please visit the website of the Council of the EU and the European Council.
Lithuanian competent authorities applying international sanctions
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania informs that a new redaction of the Law No IX-2160 of the Republic of Lithuania on the Implementation of Economic and other International Sanctions, establishing the procedure for initiating and applying international sanctions in Lithuania, entered into force on 17 May 2022.
When ensuring the implementation of international sanctions within their competence, competent authorities shall:
1) adopt decisions, set out in international sanctions legislation;
2) decide on granting exemptions or permissions not to apply restrictions and obligations, set out in international sanctions legislation, and carry out the necessary procedures;
3) reply to inquiries of natural and legal persons concerning the implementation in the Republic of Lithuania of international sanctions falling within the remit of the competent authorities’ activities;
4) receive and provide information in accordance with the procedure, laid down in Article 12 of the Law on International Sanctions of the Republic of Lithuania.
The competent authorities ensuring the implementation of international sanctions in the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the areas of activity assigned to them include, inter alia, the following:
Scope of restrictions
Competent authority
(Imposed on persons/entities listed by the EU)
Consideration of exemptions/authorisations under sanctions regulations:
Financial Crime Investigation Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Contact Us:
Šermuksniu Str. 3, LT-01106 Vilnius, Lithuania Phones: +370 5 271 6685; +370 5 271 7480 E-mail:
Implementation of international sanctions related to restrictions on payments and other financial activities
Financial Crime Investigation Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Contact Us:
Šermuksniu Str. 3, LT-01106 Vilnius, Lithuania Phones: +370 5 271 6685; +370 5 271 7480 E-mail:
Export licenses for dual-use goods and technology
Export, import, transit and brokering licenses for goods included in the Common Military List
Tourism services
Exports and imports of goods and services (excluding energy and aviation sectors)
Consideration of exemptions/authorisations under sanctions regulations:
Ministry of Economy and Innovation
Contact Us:
Gedimino Ave. 38, 01104 Vilnius, Lithuania Phones: +370 706 64 845 / +370 706 64 868 E-mail:
Issues relating to the classification of goods and customs procedures:
Customs Department
Contact Us:
A. Jakšto Str. 1/25, LT-01105 Vilnius, Lithuania Phone: (8 5) 2666 111 E-mail:
Investments in the energy sector, imports of energy resources
Exports of goods and technology needed in energy and refining sectors
Consideration of exemptions/authorisations under sanctions regulations:
Ministry of Energy
Contact Us:
Šermuksniu Str. 3, LT-01106, Vilnius,
Phone: +370 5 203 4696 E-mail:
Issues relating to the classification of goods and customs procedures:
Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance
Contact Us:
A. Jakšto Str. 1/25, LT-01105 Vilnius,
Phone: +370 5 2666 111 E-mail:
Implementation of international sanctions related to restrictions on payments and other financial activities
Financial Crime Investigation Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Contact Us:
Šermuksniu Str. 3, LT-01106 Vilnius, Lithuania Phones: +370 5 271 6685; +370 5 271 7480 E-mail:
The movement of all modes of transport to or from the European Union and through its territory
Ensuring a uniform policy for the implementation of international sanctions, concerning exports and imports of goods, services and technology.
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Contact Us:
Gedimino Ave. 17, 01505 Vilnius, Phones: (8 5) 239 3884, (8 5) 239 3968 E-mail:
Road, rail, aviation and waterborne transport
Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration
Contact Us:
Švitrigailos Str. 42, LT - 03209 Vilnius, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 278 56 01 E-mail:
The entry into or transit through the Republic of Lithuania
Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior
Contact Us:
L. Sapiegos str. 1,LT-10312 Vilnius, Lithuania Phone: +370 7 07 67000 E-mail:
The control of military equipment, arms embargo; diplomatic relations
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Contact Us:
J. Tumo Vaižganto Str. 2, LT-01108, Vilnius, Lithuania Phone: (8 5) 236 2444 E-mail:
The broadcasting, retransmission and (or) distribution of television programs online, audiovisual media services, activities of video-sharing platform providers.
The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania
Contact Us:
Šeimyniškių Str. 3A, LT-09312 Vilnius, Phone:+370 5 278 5601 E-mail:
The provision of communications services
Communications Regulatory Authority
Contact Us:
Mortos Str. 14, LT-03219 Vilnius,
Phone: +370 5 210 5633 E-mail:
The execution and implementation of public procurement, procurement and concessions
Public Procurement Office
Contact Us:
Kareivių Str. 1, 08531 Vilnius, Phone: (8 6) 03 89015 E-mail: