Presidency Programme
Presidency Programme
17 May - 13 November 2024
Presidency Programme
- 24-25 May, Vilnius: Participation of CM President in the Meeting of PACE Presidential Committee, Bureau and Standing Committee.
- 30 May, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in the Conference to Launch the new Gender Equality Strategy 2024-2029 and Event to mark the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention.
- 30 May, Vilnius: Workshop in Vilnius for young Belarusian people.
- 5 June, Strasbourg: 1500th meeting of Ministers’ Deputies.
- 11-12 June, Strasbourg: A celebration of 60 years of the EDQM, Council of Europe “Today, tomorrow, together for public health”.
- 11-12 June, Vilnius: Conference “AML/CFT Supervision of Designated Non-financial Businesses and Professions – Practical Application of Sector-Specific Measures”.
- 17-19 June, Vilnius: EuroDIG (European Dialogue on Internet Governance) annual meeting.
- 17-20 June, Strasbourg: No Hate Speech Week.
- 18-21 June, Vilnius: IACC International anti-corruption conference.
- 18-22 June, Strasbourg: Workshop for Advocacy on the Abolition of the Death penalty.
- 19-20 June, Vilnius: Training seminar for national stakeholders of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Lithuania. Lithuania: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Training Seminar for national stakeholders in Vilnius. - Cultural Routes
- 20 June, Vilnius: European AI Forum.
- 24 June, Helsinki: Meeting for a Network of National Coordinators for the execution of ECtHR judgments in the context of the Project “Support to efficient domestic capacity for the execution of ECtHR judgments (Phase 1)”.
- 24-28 June, Strasbourg: Presentation of CM President report at the Summer Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
- 3-4 July, Vilnius: High-Level Conference on the European Social Charter.
- 4-5 July, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in HELP Network Conference 2024.
- 11 July, New York: Side Event at the 2024 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development “Charting the way forward: Combating the impact of climate change on human rights”.
- 11 July, Ottrott (Vicinity of Strasbourg): CM(D) Retreat “CoE Role in Ensuring Accountability for Aggression against Ukraine”.
- 4-5 September, Vilnius: Informal Conference of Ministers of Justice “Towards Accountability for International Crimes Committed in Ukraine”.
- 12 September, Strasbourg: Informal exchange of views on media freedom and safety of journalists (CM Room).
- 12-13 September, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in the General meeting of national Associations of Local and Regional Authorities.
- 23 September, Strasbourg: Movie screening “Murer: Anatomy of a Trial”, in cooperation with the Permanent Representation of Austria and Permanent Representation of Luxembourg.
- 25 September, Vilnius: International conference “Multi-level governance for ensuring democracy and strengthening resilience at all levels of governance”.
- 25 September, Strasbourg: CM discussion with civil society on the abolition of the death penalty.
- 26 September, Vilnius: International Conference “Navigating Privacy and Media Freedoms: A Judicial Perspective”.
- 30 September-4 October, Strasbourg: Presentation of CM President report at the Autumn Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
- 3-4 October, Vilnius: CD-P-TO meeting.
- 5 October, Vilnius: European Donation Day (EDD) celebration.
- 15-17 October, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in the 47th session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.
24 October, Vilnius: "Compass – helping teacher in human rights education“
- 25 October, Vilnius: International Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Lithuanian membership in the Council of Europe and to the Lithuanian Presidency “Constitutional dialogue: who determines the trends in the development of human rights?”.
- 25 October, Vilnius: Vilnius dialogue on freedom of expression.
- 4-6 November, Strasbourg: launch of HELP online course on Deported Children situation in armed conflict, in the margins of the CoE World Forum for Democracy.
- 5 November, Strasbourg: Celebrating 30 years of European and International Film Co-production.
- 5-6 November, Chisinau: International Conference in the framework of the Project “Strengthening the human rights protection of refugees and migrants in the Republic of Moldova”.
7 November, Vilnius: Voices for Change: Advancing Consensus for a Democratic Belarus.
- 7-8 November, Vilnius: “Ukrainian Days” – series of events.
Cultural Programme
- 29 May, Strasbourg: Opening concert to mark the beginning of the Presidency by Mettis String Quartet and saxophonist Kęstutis Vaiginis.
- 4 June, Strasbourg: Alsace and Lithuania - documentary film and discussion about zoologist and professor L.H. Bojanus.
- 10 September-13 November, Strasbourg: Lithuania and France - exhibition of photographs by Antanas Sutkus “Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir in Lithuania in 1965”.
- 12 September, Strasbourg: Screening of the movie “Vesper Chronicles” by Kristina Buožytė and Bruno Samper.
- 1 October, Strasbourg: Classical concert by Lithuanian organist Balys Vaitkus.
- 4 October, Strasbourg: Lithuanian jazz artist Lina Štalytė performing at Back to Work party in collaboration with Council of Europe’s Amicale.
- 7 October, Strasbourg: Presidency supported a photo exhibition by Juozas Kazlauskas about Soviet-deported Lithuanian communities in Siberia in the framework of Lithuania’s Season in France 2024.
- 9 October, Strasbourg: Workshop for children by the Lithuanian children's book illustrator Elena Selena.
- 18 October, Strasbourg: Presentation of the new book of literary work of Oscar Milosz, a French-language Lithuanian author, poet and philosopher, and the first head of Lithuanian legation in Paris in the 1920s.
- 4-5 November, Strasbourg: Conference on the mass Soviet deportations of Lithuanian population to Siberia and their return to Lithuania and Eastern Europe in the 20th century.
- 5-7 November, Strasbourg: Klaipėda Puppet Theatre performance “Rising from the ashes” in the framework of Lithuania’s Season in France 2024.
- 9 November, Strasbourg: The Presidency’s handover concert–by “Improdimensija orchestra” with Marc Ducret at Jazzdor festival in the framework of Lithuania’s Season in France 2024.