
Presidency Programme

Presidency Programme



 17 May - 13 November 2024

Presidency Programme

  1. 24-25 May, Vilnius: Participation of CM President in the Meeting of PACE Presidential Committee, Bureau and Standing Committee.
  2. 30 May, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in the Conference to Launch the new Gender Equality Strategy 2024-2029 and Event to mark the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention.
  3. 30 May, Vilnius: Workshop in Vilnius for young Belarusian people.
  4. 5 June, Strasbourg: 1500th meeting of Ministers’ Deputies.
  5. 11-12 June, Strasbourg: A celebration of 60 years of the EDQM, Council of Europe “Today, tomorrow, together for public health”.
  6. 11-12 June, Vilnius: Conference “AML/CFT Supervision of Designated Non-financial Businesses and Professions – Practical Application of Sector-Specific Measures”.
  7. 17-19 June, Vilnius: EuroDIG (European Dialogue on Internet Governance) annual meeting.
  8. 17-20 June, Strasbourg: No Hate Speech Week.
  9. 18-21 June, Vilnius: IACC International anti-corruption conference.
  10. 18-22 June, Strasbourg: Workshop for Advocacy on the Abolition of the Death penalty.
  11. 19-20 June, Vilnius: Training seminar for national stakeholders of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Lithuania. Lithuania: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Training Seminar for national stakeholders in Vilnius. - Cultural Routes
  12. 20 June, Vilnius: European AI Forum.
  13. 24 June, Helsinki: Meeting for a Network of National Coordinators for the execution of ECtHR judgments in the context of the Project “Support to efficient domestic capacity for the execution of ECtHR judgments (Phase 1)”.
  14. 24-28 June, Strasbourg: Presentation of CM President report at the Summer Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
  15. 3-4 July, Vilnius: High-Level Conference on the European Social Charter.
  16. 4-5 July, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in HELP Network Conference 2024.
  17. 11 July, New York: Side Event at the 2024 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development “Charting the way forward: Combating the impact of climate change on human rights”.
  18. 11 July, Ottrott (Vicinity of Strasbourg): CM(D) Retreat “CoE Role in Ensuring Accountability for Aggression against Ukraine”.
  19. 4-5 September, Vilnius:   Informal Conference of Ministers of Justice “Towards Accountability for International Crimes Committed in Ukraine”.
  20. 12 September, Strasbourg: Informal exchange of views on media freedom and safety of journalists (CM Room).
  21. 12-13 September, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in the General meeting of national Associations of Local and Regional Authorities.
  22. 23 September, Strasbourg: Movie screening “Murer: Anatomy of a Trial”, in cooperation with the Permanent Representation of Austria and Permanent Representation of Luxembourg.
  23. 25 September, Vilnius: International conference “Multi-level governance for ensuring democracy and strengthening resilience at all levels of governance”.
  24. 25 September, Strasbourg: CM discussion with civil society on the abolition of the death penalty.
  25. 26 September, Vilnius: International Conference “Navigating Privacy and Media Freedoms: A Judicial Perspective”.
  26. 30 September-4 October, Strasbourg: Presentation of CM President report at the Autumn Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
  27. 3-4 October, Vilnius: CD-P-TO meeting.
  28. 5 October, Vilnius: European Donation Day (EDD) celebration.
  29. 15-17 October, Strasbourg: Presidency participation in the 47th session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.
  30. 24 October, Vilnius: "Compass – helping teacher in human rights education“

  31. 25 October, Vilnius: International Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Lithuanian membership in the Council of Europe and to the Lithuanian Presidency “Constitutional dialogue: who determines the trends in the development of human rights?”.
  32. 25 October, Vilnius: Vilnius dialogue on freedom of expression.  
  33. 4-6 November, Strasbourg: launch of HELP online course on Deported Children situation in armed conflict, in the margins of the CoE World Forum for Democracy.
  34. 5 November, Strasbourg: Celebrating 30 years of European and International Film Co-production.
  35. 5-6 November, Chisinau: International Conference in the framework of the Project “Strengthening the human rights protection of refugees and migrants in the Republic of Moldova”.
  36. 7 November, Vilnius: Voices for Change: Advancing Consensus for a Democratic Belarus.

  37. 7-8 November, Vilnius: “Ukrainian Days” – series of events.

Cultural Programme

  1. 29 May, Strasbourg: Opening concert to mark the beginning of the Presidency by Mettis String Quartet and saxophonist Kęstutis Vaiginis.
  2. 4 June, Strasbourg: Alsace and Lithuania - documentary film and discussion about zoologist and professor L.H. Bojanus.
  3. 10 September-13 November, Strasbourg: Lithuania and France - exhibition of photographs by Antanas Sutkus “Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir in Lithuania in 1965”.
  4. 12 September, Strasbourg: Screening of the movie “Vesper Chronicles” by Kristina Buožytė and Bruno Samper.
  5. 1 October, Strasbourg: Classical concert by Lithuanian organist Balys Vaitkus.
  6. 4 October, Strasbourg: Lithuanian jazz artist Lina Štalytė performing at Back to Work party in collaboration with Council of Europe’s Amicale.
  7. 7 October, Strasbourg: Presidency supported a photo exhibition by Juozas Kazlauskas about Soviet-deported Lithuanian communities in Siberia in the framework of Lithuania’s Season in France 2024.
  8. 9 October, Strasbourg: Workshop for children by the Lithuanian children's book illustrator Elena Selena.
  9. 18 October, Strasbourg: Presentation of the new book of literary work of Oscar Milosz, a French-language Lithuanian author, poet and philosopher, and the first head of Lithuanian legation in Paris in the 1920s.
  10. 4-5 November, Strasbourg: Conference on the mass Soviet deportations of Lithuanian population to Siberia and their return to Lithuania and Eastern Europe in the 20th century.
  11. 5-7 November, Strasbourg: Klaipėda Puppet Theatre performance “Rising from the ashes” in the framework of Lithuania’s Season in France 2024.
  12. 9 November, Strasbourg: The Presidency’s handover concert–by “Improdimensija orchestra” with Marc Ducret at Jazzdor festival in the framework of Lithuania’s Season in France 2024.