Proceedings of the Conference
Proceedings of the Conference
Opening session
Video greeting from H.E. Ms. Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of the Republic of Lithuania
Opening speech by Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius, Rector of Mykolas Romeris University
Welcome speech of H.E. Mr. Linas Linkevičius, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania
Wecome speech of Mr. Linas Kukuraitis, Minister of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania
Special adress of H.E. Mr. M.J.Akbar, Minister of State for External Affairs of India
Address of Mr. Motome Takisawa, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan
Session 1
Speech by UN Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of UN Women Lakshmi Puri
Remarks by Ambassador Mara Marinaki, EU/EEAS Principal Advisor on Gender
Equal pay for equal work or work of equal value: Swiss practices - dr. Sylvie Durrer
Remarks by the ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai
Enabling Policies for Women's Economic Empowerment - NCPE Commissioner Renee Laiviera
Remarks by the Vice-President of the All-China Women's Federation Madam Tan Lin
Remarks by the Minister for Human Rights on Women Empowerment Pakistan Mr.Kamran
Session 2
Economic costs of violence against women - National University of Ireland, Galway Nata Druvvury
Economic benefits of gender equality in the EU - EIGE Virginija Langbakk
Economic benefits of unlocking markets for women to trade - Nneca Henry
Lithuanian situation on violence against women - Viktorija Cmilytė-Nielsen
Women, business and the law: the economic costs of gender inequality - World Bank Group Sarah Iqbal
Session 3
Overcoming stereotypes in energy sector: "Lietuvos energija" experience - Dr. Dalius Misiūnas
Half-empty or half-full? Lim Hwee Hua
Gender equity and water PhD Sara Ahmed
Session 4
Women go tech - Paulius Vertelka
International Girls in ICT Day - Laura Kangas
Economic benefits of gender equality in the EU-Stem - Helena Morais Maceira
Our social gender and our schools. What should we change? - Simonas Gentvilas
Strategies for solving gender equality problem in research: women in STEM - Dalia Šatkovskienė
Session 5
Economic empowerment of women: challenges and good practices in rural areas in Japan - Asako Osaki
Inclusive, green business and women's entrepreneurship - Silvia Sartori
Women GoDigital empowerment - Vilma Misiukonienė
Video presentation by Ms. Pacita Juan, President, Women`s Business Council of the Philippines
Session 6
Experience and implication of South Korea's work-family balance policies - Eun Ha Chang
Modern work-life balance framework as a tool to promote gender equality in the EU - Giedrius Sudikas
Family-friendly policies for a better future of women at work: an ILO approach - Manuela Tomei
Promoting equal economis opportunities for women and men - Sweden - Cecilia Ruthstrom-Ruin