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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

Strategic Communications Division of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania
Gabrielius Landsbergis

Embassies and Ambassadors of Lithuania

Armenia Australia Azerbaijan Belarus


Darius Degutis
Ambassador of Lithuania to Australia

Egidijus Navikas,
Ambassador of Lithuania to Azerbaijan

Asta Andrijauskienė
Ambassador for a special assignments

Canada Czechia Denmark France

Darius Skusevičius,
Ambassador of Lithuania to Canada


Asta Radikaitė,
Ambassador of Lithuania to Denmark


Nerijus Aleksiejūnas,
Ambassador of Lithuania to France
Georgia (Sakartvelo) Germany Greece India

Andrius Kalindra,
Ambassador of Lithuania to Georgia (Sakartvelo)

Ramūnas Misiulis
Ambassador of Lithuania to Germany


Diana Mickevičienė
Ambassador of Lithuania to India

Ireland Israel Italy Japan

Marijus Gudynas,
Ambassador of Lithuania to Ireland

  Dalia Kreivienė
Ambassador of Lithuania to Italy
Aurelijus Zykas
Ambassador of Lithuania to Japan
Moldova The Netherlands Palestinian Territories Poland


Neilas Tankevičius
Ambassador of Lithuania to Netherlands

  Eduardas Borisovas,
Ambassador of Lithuania to Poland
Romania Russian Federation

South Africa




Dainius Junevičius,
Ambassador of Lithuania to South Africa

Lyra Puišytė - Bostroem,
Ambassador of Lithuania to Spain
Sweden Ukraine United Arab Emirates The United Kingdom

Ramūnas Davidonis,
Ambassador of Lithuania to the United Arab Emirates

Eitvydas Bajarūnas,
Ambassador of Lithuania to the United Kingdom

The United States of America,
Washington, DC
The United States of America,
New York

The United States of America,
Los Angeles


Audra Plepytė
Ambassador of Lithuania to the USA




  Darius Gaidys
Ambassador of Lithuania to Singapore

Permanent Representations of Lithuania to International Organisations

Permanent Representation of Lithuania to United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva

Representatives of Lithuania to the World Trade Organisation Permanent mission of Lithuania to the International Organisations in Vienna, Austria
    Vaidotas Verba
United Nations, New York NATO European Union


Audra Plepytė,
Permanent Representative of Lithuania to UN

Deividas Matulionis,
Permanent Representative of Lithuania to NATO

Arnoldas Pranckevičius,
Permanent Representative of Lithuania to ES




       Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania


Embassies of Lithuania



Italy Georgia (Sakartvelo) Germany Sweden

Permanent Representation of Lithuania to OECD

The United Kingdom

The United States of America,
Los Angeles


Embassy of Lithuania in the United Arab Emirates

Permanent Representation of Lithuania to EU        


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

Embassies of Lithuania


India Italy Canada

The United States of America,
Washington, DC

The United States of America,
Los Angeles
The United States of America,
New York
Georgia (Sakartvelo)

